With all the opportunity to discover more of Berlin and learn from some really amazing photographers the other weekend at the #EverchangingBerlin InstaMeet, I lugged my DSLR along for the experience to capture some highlights on more than just my iPhone. After all, Instagram can't have all the fun where Berlin exploration and creative photography is concerned.
The temperamental weather made for alternating dramatic backdrops of piercing blue skies and threatening dark clouds, not to mention providing a sense of adventure whenever the downpours happened, forcing us to duck into underground stations or take cover beneath the elevated Ubahn tracks and get creative with our protected surroundings. At the end of Saturday's marathon of photo walks and activities, my overstimulated brain was nearly as tired as my aching feet.
Sunday's brunch at Tempelhof was the perfect way to relax after the previous day, with the airport-turned-public-park being one of my favorite places to meander around. For those who have never been, you may be thinking 'how exciting can an old abandoned airport be?', but there is just something about the wide open space in the middle of a big ol' city that fosters a sense of freedom and at-oneness with nature. The weather gods once again blessed us, this time with warm sunshine and picture-perfect fluffy white clouds for relaxing on picnic blankets, getting in our last chance at socializing with this amazing, worldly group and later, to explore Tempelhofer Feld and create more inspirational images together.
I must say again how grateful I am for the organizers, sponsors, photo walk leader and all the attendees for making this weekend happen. The friends I've made, the new, talented Instagrammers that have been added to my feed and the influx of crazy-good creative energy have added more to my Instagram journey and relatively new life here in Berlin than I can say. I am humbled, grateful and ready to take my own creative endeavours to the next level.
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