Farewell Wiesbaden... and hello Berlin!

December 16, 2013

berlin victory column Siegessäule at dusk It's hard to believe the time has finally come. Four years, almost to the day, after packing up our lives for a new country, we once again set out on a new adventure, this time to Berlin. Our move to Germany happened so fast, we hardly had time to think about what we would be missing. Again, we have been so focused on getting to Berlin for such a long time, I was only looking ahead and not at what we would be leaving behind: an amazing apartment, a town full of incredible architecture and friends that have become like family in the absence of our own. For all the excitement for our new city, the sadness of what we will miss has also stepped to the forefront of my thoughts.

But Berlin has beckoned and we are answering her call. Today marks the start of our next adventure...


  1. Congratulations on the move finally happening Kate - I know exactly how you feel. For years I'd focused on getting out of Brussels and now I get quite nostalgic when I think about it. Wishing you lots of fun and exploration in Berlin and can't wait to hear what you get up to there. xx Jess

    1. Yes, an expat's relationship to her new country is complicated, isn't it? We certainly loved Wiesbaden for many years, and it's not that we don't now, but it just feels like time to move on. Berlin seems like a better fit for us. Thanks for reading - and looking forward to hearing more from your adventures (and expanding coat wardrobe) as well!


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