Wanderlust Wares | France's Sunflower Fields

August 30, 2013

potted sunflower on windowsill sunflower field in France
You know how when you're running running running and when you finally slow down, then that's precisely when you get sick? Like your body knows it needs to hold out just long enough to get you through whatever is on your plate, then bam! It hits you like a ton of bricks. Unfortunately, that has been my week, with the flu kicking me into submission and forcing me to subsist on bland crackers and toast for days, not to mention a constant stream of Princess Bride and My So-Called Life (the latter of which I'm not really complaining about). I had grand plans for a couple other posts this week, but as it so often happens for all of us, life got in the way.

So now that I'm finally up to being vertical, I can sit here at my desk, taking in the blue skies and the lovely sunflower my husband bought to celebrate my blog launch and be reminded of our days meandering through the French countryside last month. I only hope I am up for our plans this weekend to explore more of our little part of the German countryside. As we tuck away more savings and make plans for another apartment-hunting trip - so hard to find a good apartment from all the way across a country, let me tell you - the reality of not being in this beautiful part of Germany much longer has really started to set in. And so we set out on more excursions to hungrily take in and store all the memories of the natural beauty that will no longer be just down the autobahn once we make our new home in the north.

How about you? What are your plans this weekend? With September mere days away, that unspoken urgency to go out and enjoy what is left of summer has crept into the air. I hope you enjoy whatever is in store. Happy weekend to all!


  1. I hope you feel better very soon and best of luck with the apartment hunting!

    While summer has been lovely and I enjoy the idea of short skirts, tank tops and long sunny days that turn into light filled nights, I can't help but eagerly wait for Fall to arrive. I'm feeling the need to bundle up, pare things down, go into hibernation and shed old skin. Perhaps it's because it will be my first true seasonal transition in well over six years, but I can't help but think there's something else to it. Something is brewing.

    Or maybe I'm just hell bent on apple picking, forests on fire with colour, hot toddy drinking, snowflakes on noses and eyelashes, and the like?

    1. Thanks JoAnna. It's slow-going, but I'm feeling better every day.

      I am so eager for autumn, I actually grimaced at the forecast this week of sunshine and 30 degree C weather. I also wish I knew of a place to go apple-picking here in Germany... I had been going in CA for a few years and I just loved it!

  2. Happy weekend to you too - I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better. I will think of you out exploring the countryside in the sunshine whilst we pack and move and paint and move and unpack!!

    1. Sadly, there wasn't very much sunshine this weekend, but it sure was nice to at least be out in the fresh air for the firs time in a week. Hope your move went smoothly - I can't wait to see the new place!


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