Brides Throwing Cats

October 11, 2013

bridesthrowingcats.com_to clamouring guests
Sometimes, you just need a laugh. This fantastic Tumblr (thank you, BuzzFeed) was just what I needed the other day. In a world where just about everything's already been done, who knew we needed to superimpose cats over the throwing of bridal bouquets? I for one, am glad that someone realized this gaping hole in the online animal humor genre. (apologies if you are a cat fan and find this offensive)

Have a laugh - and then go have a great weekend!

bridesthrowingcats.com_in meadow
bridesthrowingcats.com_looking at camera bridesthrowingcats.com_flying through air
bridesthrowingcats.com_purple reception
bridesthrowingcats.com_ in countryside

All images via

1 comment:

  1. I have been loving this! Makes me wish I threw a bouquet so I could photoshop my wedding...and that I could photoshop. That would be helpful.


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